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ClearSlide doubles application engagement for Convercent’s customer prospects

A Fast-growing Company that Redefines Compliance Management

Convercent’s cloud-based software application manages all aspects of a company’s governance, risk and compliance program. Its highly configurable, out-of-the-box solution is designed to bring together traditionally disparate parts of a compliance program, improving the way companies manage incidents, disclosures, trainings, and policies. Ultimately this enables companies to better relate data together, gaining a richer view of critical compliance risk.

How to quickly show their software in front of prospects & better understand engagement with sales materials

Convercent’s sales organization is continuously charged with growing the business in an exponential fashion and finding new areas of opportunity. Because its enterprise customers typically have a complex organizational structure, it is imperative that any potential customer is engaged from the get-go and gets a clear understanding of how the platform can be easily configurable for their needs. A big differentiator for Convercent is that its software is elegant and user-friendly, so sales reps want to be able to show the software as soon as possible.

Additionally, when Convercent ran targeted campaigns Hammond found that the email open rates were too low, the bounce rates too high, and the unsubscribe rates were also too high. He wanted better analytics to understand what worked and what didn’t in order to tailor campaigns and collateral appropriately.

With those challenges in mind, Convercent implemented ClearSlide to achieve the following: quick and easy desktop sharing, the ability to have the sales team take ownership of surgical business development campaigns, and to achieve better insight into how sales communications are landing with prospects.

Immediate presentations and taking control of sales campaigns

As the business development and sales reps utilized ClearSlide more and took advantage of its analytic features, the team was better able to engage with customers. The reps found it useful when they received email alerts notifying them when prospects opened their emails. And, the analytics ClearSlide provided gave them insight into how they interacted with the content. That insight allowed the sales and business development reps to follow up in a more timely and appropriate manner, which helped improve communication efficiency.

Convercent also does a lot of targeted prospecting campaigns and ClearSlide gives the sales team the ability to manage their mini-marketing campaigns without needing to leverage additional marketing resources. The sales reps can focus their energy on high-value targets and evaluate which sales materials worked best, helping to improve the sales process.

“With ClearSlide, the sales team completely owns the targeted mini-campaigns ourselves. We saw a dramatic increase in how many emails were landing with our prospects. When I see my open rates tripled, it’s a pretty important metric. Obviously, desktop sharing is still important, but I really focus on ClearSlide’s ability to track and manage who’s opening our emails and when. The ability to bring all those sales productivity functionalities together is not found with other vendors.”
-Matt Hammond, Director of Sales
Sales reps can do better follow up and be more proactive

Today, the sales team has achieved more success in being able to quickly get prospects in front of their software as a result of using the ClearSlide platform.

“With ClearSlide, we easily increased our ability to get one of our prospects on our application by 2x once we catch them on the phone. Although Convercent initially implemented ClearSlide for quick presentation and desktop sharing, the Convercent sales team also found that the analytics from ClearSlide improved their outreach and sales-led surgical marketing campaigns,” said Hammond.

How to quickly show their software in front of prospects
Better understand engagement with sales materials
Email open rates were too low, & bounce rates & unsubscribe rates were too high.
Immediate presentations with ClearSlide
Allowing the sales team to manage their mini-marketing campaigns
Once on the phone, the team was twice as likely to get a customer into the Convercent application demo
ClearSlide improved their outreach through sales-led surgical marketing campaigns
Dramatic increase in how many emails were landing with prospects
Email open rates tripled
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